Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust

A New Secretary for the Trust

We are pleased to say that we have new secretary for the Trust, she is Nuala Salter, the Parish Treasurer Support Assistant and Stewardship Administrator at the Diocese of Peterborough.

Her contact details are Nuala Salter, NHCT Secretary, Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Bedford Road, Northampton NN4 7YD

Tel: 01604 887044 - Email:

The trustees are very grateful to Nuala for taking up this post.

NHCT acknowledges, with regret, the recent passing of two stalwart supporters of the Trust, David Laing CBE DL, the former Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire and a Vice-President of the Trust, who died on 3rd March 2024 and Ruth Fitch the Trust’s former Secretary who died on 5th July 2024. Both David and Ruth will be very much missed.

Eddie Byland, who had held the post for many years, stood down as the Trust’s Honorary Treasurer at our AGM in April. Eddie continues as a trustee. His place as Treasurer has been taken by Michael Moore, our Grants’ Secretary. Michael’s contact details are on the Contacts page.